Thursday, July 21, 2016

Where are the zombies?

He's still blowing hard as I type this.

The billionaire is your voice.  The narcissist is here for you.

We missed it by by 32 years - 1984.  Doublespeak.

He ends with I love you.

What a world.

Monday, July 18, 2016


I used to think that if I were off of social media I'd be missing something.  Now I know the truth:  While I was on social media, I was missing everything.  

What a time to be off of social media. Orlando, Philando Castle, Alton Sterling, Dallas, Nice, Turkey and now the GOP convention.  

Every week I don't think things can get any weirder, more divisive, violent and uncertain, and then it does.  But I have to tell you, not being in the echo chamber of opinion has given me a deep sense of calm and sanity.  Voices from all sides are no longer occupying the sacred space between my ears.
I can choose to watch what is going on in the world, or not.  And if I do, I feel no obligation to have an opinion within 15 nanoseconds of the event.  I can let hours, days and weeks go by so I can chew on things, taste and savor what is real and not about it all, and digest the events and integrate them into my worldview, not the world's world view.

It's really lovely out here on the porch.
I hope you come by, have a lemonade and sit a spell.