Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 4 of 100 Fears in 100 Days

I feel I am facing a conundrum this morning with this challenge. You see, first of all it is Saturday. A weekend day. What kind of fear to face on a Saturday?

Secondly, I have done some things the last three days that make me feel full and satisfied. Isn't there supposed to be a day where you rest a bit on your laurels?

And yet, there is this commitment - to face a fear every day for 100 days. Hmmm. What to do...

My weekends don't feel like a bunch of fear facing opportunities like the work week does. But I am probably full of shit on this one. I like to think that most of my fears are about putting myself out there in the world - and there are many around this issue, trust me. But, I am guessing that there will be moments today when I can witness myself hesitate, censor or stop in the face of some voice in my head saying, "Stop! Danger! Don't go there!" And I will see that fear is a subtle little bitch that shows up ways that I had no idea about.

And when it does show up, I will say, "Step aside honey, there's a new bitch in town."

More later.


  1. Agreed. I'm having the same conundrum today!

  2. We will learn a lot today. :)

  3. I will probably face down the evil sister today -- so I'm coping with family matters. Scaaaaary!

  4. Oh, and I forgot to tell you guys what happened yesterday afternoon - I sent my finest essays and the first 45 pages of my memoir off to a really great literary agent (she edited Brain Droppings) that my manager (I love that phrase - my manager!) connected me with.

    So excited!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh Lord, I just deleted the comment because I spelled Vicky Jo's name wrong. Jeez. Here's what I wrote, spelling corrected.

    Today I let an animal move on to a better place. Not the "better place" that's a euphemism for the afterlife -- more like a better place for the dog (who is, in fact, a bitch). I was scared to do this (don't want to be "that kind of mom") even though she has not adapted to the mountains and drives me nuckin' futts. Somebody had to make a move. This 100/100 process inspired me and Blanca is on her way to a new home where she will get the love and attention (and fenced yard) she needs.
    Dog lovers, don't hate me.

    Vicki Jo, I believe the term for evil sister is sinister. That's what my friend Lois told me.
    Smiley face here.

  7. Today I had four places to go/errands to run to and had to finish packing. There was a tiny element of I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN DO ALL FOUR THINGS. Yikes. What on earth did I think would stop me? Would some voice shout out that I only had to do two of them and then could run home? Oh ye of little faith.

  8. Well, today was my typical Saturday - lunch with friends down at the beach, house stuff, watch some golf and nap. No motivation to tackle a fear. Nothing came to me.

    But I did work on this blog, added some new features, and had a vision that I am ready to put more content out there in the world. In fact a wrote a little something that I normally am hesitant to share. And yet I will now.
