Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 5 of 100 Fears in 100 Days

Good Sunday Morning!

So yesterday I posted some thoughts about being American, feeling powerless over the fate of this country, and how self-questioning is a path to deeper understanding. I am generally terrified of going into this subject because politics creates such passion in people, and I generally like to be a peace maker. So I offer my remarks ultimately as a peace maker and a human trying to understand it all. But I always fear that I will have to defend myself against an attack and then I will end up getting all hopped up and righteous and red in the face and creating more chaos than peace. So that was a huge step for me.

Today I have already played on with my edges. I woke up early to talk about an upcoming project with someone I immensely respect and who co-wrote my dad's upcoming memoir. There was one thing on the list of ideas I had that I was a bit hesitant to mention. But I did, and it ended up being a really rich idea that will bring much to the project.

Hope your edges are expanding!


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I certainly hope the people of our once great country have not lost their power to stand up and bring back what generations have fought to preserve. No doubt that we must stand up for what we believe in, but if we don't understand why these problems are suffocating our country and its economy, then we can't possibly help America survive. Where do we start? We should have started a long time ago, but it's not too late.

  2. Laney, are you also Mary?
